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April 19, 2023

CDA4 Ferrari 296 GT3 Release Notes

Welcome to the Ferrari 296 GT3 release notes blog. In this page you will find the detailed notes compiled by the team after each session when creating the fast and safe variants of the new CDA4 Ferrari 296 GT3 setups. Please carry on reading below to see what our team found:

Brands Hatch

  • This track requires a slightly lower ARB stiffness with more softening done to the rear axle to improve stability through the high speed corners. In order to make the car rotate enough however, the front rebound dampers have had to be stiffened significantly. 
  • The rest of the dampers have been adjusted to provide optimal tyre grip through high speed corners. The car has also been set up to take the kerbs relatively easily through the second and third sector, although cutting the track too much through sector 3 will inevitably destabilise the rear end. 
  • The bumpstop ranges are run quite high compared to some of the other tracks and this has been done to increase compliance on the front end so that the tyres really get to bite into the tarmac when thrown into corners. This may be slightly unstable for some so it has been adjusted for the safe setup. 
  • If you require additional stability on entry consider increasing the preload further instead of the front bumpstop range as this will have a less severe effect on kerbs through the rest of the track.

Brands Hatch – V2

  • The car was very safe with RF01 setup so to extract more overall rotation and pace, the rake has been significantly increased.
  • Fast bump damping is now higher to get smoother handling in corners 6 and 7.
  • For a bit more grip in slow speed, the slow bump damping has been softened in front and rear.
  • Lower TC is now used to allow stronger exits out of T2, T3 and T4.
  • Setup RS01 has increased front arb to get rid of a loose feeling in front when going over crest in corners 7 and 9. There is also a slightly more traction with lower rear bumpstop rate and bump damping.


  • As with other tracks the fast dampers and bumpstop values have been specifically adjusted to optimise vehicle balance through the bumpier sections of the track. In addition to this, Misano being quite a slipper track in slow speed, the dampers and preload have also been adjusted to maximise traction. 
  • The Ferrari works much better at lower rear ride heights. The fast variant is also setup to be very safe on traction with a bit more agility than the safe setup on corner entries. The kerbs through the first few corners are really on the limit but with the correct line the setup works well through the first sector. If the dampers are adjusted any more to suit the kerbs, the balance will negatively impact the high speed performance of the car. In the safer variant the front ride height has been increased to give better entry stability and to be able to attack the kerbs with more leeway for error. 
  • The quali setup once again requires little to no change from the race fast variant, albeit with a lower brake pad and lower brake ducts for better 1 lap braking performance.

Misano V2

  • Very stiff ARBs to increase the reactivity of the car and the rotation.
  • Very soft front wheel-rat to have good mechanical grip, stiffer wheel-rate on the rear to increase the rotation on-throttle.
  • Maximum wing and low rake to increase stability and traction.
  • Very high bumpstop range to have better traction and bump compliance in the car.


  • Nurburgring uses a similar meta build to the ones used in other high downforce tracks in this update package. 
  • One difference is the damper approach. The fast dampers are a bit softer in this setup compared to others as the focus was on improving compliance over very bumpy corners. This also helps in maintaining response through the faster corners. 

Nurburgring – V2

  • Changes compared to RF01:
  • Much softer front spring to maximise grip window to lower chances of front locking, whilst also giving more low speed grip.
  • Higher rake and less wing for better high speed rotation.
  • Roll bars slightly adjusted and dampers tweaked to suit new rake/wing/spring settings.
  • Safe setup uses slightly different rear damper settings to try to add stability in direction change. Alongside this, a softer rear spring and higher preload is used to aid stability.
  • Qualifying setup uses RF as a base with some minor tweaks for one lap pace.

Paul Ricard

  • The 296 is very stable over kerbs and provides very good grip on exits. During the lap it will be essential to utilise both of these traits. 
  • Approaching Turn 1 it is beneficial to use the white/red kerb on the right side to make the entry as wide as possible. The car is able to remain stable even when you hit the bump there. It is also very easy to take a lot of the inside kerb in the right hander of the first chicane. 
  • Approaching the second chicane itโ€™s great to use the blue surface on the left. Next be sure to cut the inside kerbs going through the second chicane. T6 is where you need to maximise the exit to gain time all the way down the mistral straight. To do so make sure to turn in very late, get around the kerb and get back on power very early. This should be easy with the soft rear springs. 
  • As always Ferrari is very stable in high speed corners. You can brake and turn in almost simultaneously. Again, use the inside white/red kerb for optimal line and rotation. After that is a double-right Turn 11. The later you can turn in the better but it gets tricky. After initial braking it is fine to just coast through in 3rd and then 2 gear to start tightening the line. 
  • Next up is a tightening Turn 12. It is good to modulate the brake as you go through to give the front tires extra grip and follow the corner line with ease. On exit 1st gear is nice and smooth thanks to less torque at high rpm. Turn 13, same as Turn 1, you can put your right wheels over the kerb to make the entry much wider and the car will stay stable. 

Paul Ricard – V2

  • Low wing and rake to maximise the top speed.
  • In turn 2 donโ€™t touch the kerbs or you lose a bit of time/you go wide and invalidate the lap.
  • Decrease the TC in the last turn to maximize the laptime.
  • If you feel the car is too slippery in the fast corners, stiffen the wheel-rate.
  • The car can be aggressive when releasing the throttle, if you struggle to manage this increase the differential preload.


  • This is one of the usual high downforce tracks where a leaner wing combination seems to work well for the Ferrari, since the straight line benefits shine better in the relatively flat track. 
  • In order to get this combination to work well, the ride height has naturally been reduced a bit. In addition to this the rear dampers have been adjusted quite a bit relative to the usual range that has been used on other tracks. The setup itself is run soft however so that the car stays closer to the ground for the reduced wing angle.

Silverstone – V2

  • Maximum wing to increase downforce, and also increased the rear ride height compared to the old version, to increase the rotation.
  • Very stiff ARBs to increase the reactivity of the car especially for the first sector where there are some changes of direction.
  • Wheel-rate soft as possible to increase the mechanical grip.
  • If you feel the car is too oversteery in general, decrease front bumpstop range/rear ride height, if you feel oversteer only when you are off throttle increase the differential.

Spa Francorchamps 

  • Several changes have had to be made to the setup to make the car work with a relatively low downforce/drag combination. 
  • The setup has generally been stiffened to get the car safely through Eau Rouge. Minimising the roll and repetitive bumpstop actuation through this section is important to prevent the car from bottoming out.
  • This can also be seen in the damper values that have been used for this track. 

Spa Francorchamps – V2

  • Decreased the wing to maximise the top speed.
  • Medium wheel rate to improve the stability especially on eau-rouge, to compensate for the lack of grip we go with soft ARBs.
  • Use TC4 and BB 57 in the bust stop chicane and turn 1 for maximise the laptime.
  • Eau-rouge itโ€™s a delicate turn with the Ferrari, make sure to do the correct line, you have to stay very near to the left kerbs to have the wheel straight when you will reach compression.
  • If you struggle in Eau-Rouge increase both the wheel-rate and increase the wing.


  • Suzuka is one of low grip tracks and therefore maximising the traction was a priority. This however has an  effect on the rotation of the car. To get quickly through corners it is essential to utilise high kerbs on this circuit. Mainly in sector 1 through all of the esses and after in Degnar 2. To aid traction even more the TC is run quite high as well. This will cause a slight problem in the hairpin where the exit is tight. 
  • To minimise time loss due to traction control cutting power, you need to go for later apex and straighten your wheel as soon as possible. Lastly, because the car handles kerbs quite well, you can cut a lot of last chicane to gain time. Cut the first kerb to get a wide entry for the left hander and get a strong exit for the start/finish straight. 

Suzuka V2

  • Changes vs RF01:
  • Only minor adjustments needed as RF01 was a very good base.
  • Slight adjustment in ride height to give a little more high speed rotation.
  • Stiffer bumpstop rates to lessen pitch/squat characteristics and improve high load balance.
  • Rear spring and preload adjusted to give slightly more response and better rotation on the exit of corners.
  • Electronics adjusted to suit the new setup.
  • Safe setup uses softer rear suspension setup along with minor damper changes to maximise traction.
  • Drivers notes – Lowering TC for the hairpin gives much better exit speed, using TC4 or 5. But just remember to put it back up after the turn or you will have a lot of problems at spoon.
  • Quali setup uses more aggressive front alignment along with damper changes to maximise 1 lap pace.


  • The ARB combination used in Zandvoort has been setup to be quite stiff. This is primarily to prevent the car from rolling too much while going through the second and third sectors. The possibility to cut kerbs is high and these changes will help in minimising the force of impact of the front splitter with the ground. 
  • To counter the understeer obtained from running a stiffer ARB and damping configuration, the ride height has been set up to be more aggressive than on other tracks. 

Zandvoort – V2

  • Damper settings have been adjusted from the previous version to help with general stability, especially over bumps and kerbs. The safe set takes this further with additional changes to aid with kerb stability and tolerance with different lines.
  • The car is generally very stable, however, pushing too hard, particularly on corner entry, will result in the car sliding.


  • The camber and toe have been set a bit more neutral for this track to optimise the stability of the car on the kerbs.
  • Damper and bumpstop tuning were the main points of focus for this setup. The adjustments have been made to find the optimal compromise between chicane stability, traction through slow speed corners and entry rotation through fast corners. 
  • The front rebound and rear bump damping has also been stiffened up to increase rotation through the faster corners. This has been done because the ride heights have had to be adjusted to suit the chicanes of the track, with the bias being on the understeer side. 

Zolder – V2

  • Changes from RF01:
  • Stiffer, more aggressive roll bars to improve high speed cornering.
  • Increased front camber and caster for better front end grip.
  • Bumpstops shorter and softer on the front, and harder on the rear to improve kerb behaviour.
  • More rake and less front ride height for better dynamic rotation.
  • Slightly higher preload for entry stability plus damper adjustments to give more rotation on exit.
  • Safe setup uses a stiffer front roll bar and minor preload and damper changes to stabilise entry.


  • The car works better with a slightly lower rake using the current suspension configuration as it is quite sensitive on rear grip under braking. In general the vehicle needs quite a soft suspension around the track to get the right amount of grip mid corner, given the initial turn in right now is very strong.
  • In order to optimise the car through the bumpier parts of the track the dampers have in turn been adjusted.
  • Preload is already a bit on the higher side so it is advisable to decrease the front bumpstop range if you require more stability under braking. Despite the suspension configuration the front dampers are still quite bump biased. However having done enough testing it has been determined that this has little effect on the front tyres. 
  • The front tyres will inevitably grain through a stint, especially on a track such as Barcelona where there are long straights to cool the tyres but also long high speed corners which tend to heat up the tyres quite badly. Due to this the brake ducts need to be kept open. This has an accelerated effect on tyre graining due to the tyres being at suboptimal temperatures at the end of heavy braking zones.

Barcelona – V2

  • Rake has been increased for overall rotation. Still the front grip was limited so the front springs and front bump damping are now softer. To keep the aggressive front suspension stable at high speed, the front arb was increased.
  • Rear bump damping has been slightly softened to ease the initial throttle response on exits. 
  • Brake bias is lowered to shorten braking distance for T10 and limit understeer under braking into the last chicane. 
  • Q02 setup is much more aggressive and focuses on carrying a lot of speed into corners. Very high rake makes corner exits a bit tricky and requires quick steering adjustments. Trying to follow a line through T3 thatโ€™s too tight can cause oversteer and trigger TC as you put in too much steering.

Donington Park 

  • The car is very sensitive to rear end grip loss if pushed over the limit, so if this is too sensitive for you consider reducing the rear ARB 1 click and instead increasing the rear ride height. 
  • Dampers and front bumpstop adjustments have been made to make the car pitch less into the first corner, thereby increasing overall stability without affecting the preload. 
  • In Turn 1 it is helpful to use 1st gear to utilise engine braking and stabilise the rear with the diff. However, make sure to then short shift to 2nd gear for better grip on exit. The tricky corner of Donington is the Turn 9 chicane. It requires a sharp turn in, quick direction change and stability over bumps. To get it right make sure to touch the outside kerb on entry to make it as wide as possible. As you turn in make sure to start releasing the brake to start shifting the weight backwards and making the car stable over bumps. You can be aggressive with the direction change and the car will respond well and stay planted. 
  • Next up comes the first hairpin which is problematic due to high TC that is used on Ferrari. Make sure to brake straight and turn in late, go around the corner with a geometric racing line or even a slight cut back to get a straight exit and minimise the TC engagement. 

Donington Park – V2

  • The front arb has been significantly stiffened to limit roll in the old Hairpin. The car needed more response and stability during the high compression in the middle and on the exit of the corner. 
  • To provide more overall rotation, the rake is much higher now. To aid the low speed grip, the front bump damping is softer. In order to maintain good traction the rear springs and bumpstops were slightly softened. 
  • For a sharper turn-in into the chicane the rear arb was stiffened and the preload lowered. Fast damping is also much higher to provide better handling over the bumps in the chicane. 
  • The brake bias is very low to shorten the braking distance into the hairpins and to get rid of understeer while braking into the old Hairpin. 

Laguna Seca

  • To eliminate the possibility of bottoming out on the downhill braking zones, corkscrew and bumps on the track, the front bumpstop range travel has been limited heavily compared to the other tracks. The dampers have also been adjusted to reduce the speed of compression to ensure that the bumpstop rate of increase in bump force upon impact is limited over time.
  • In Turn 1 it is better to go in a bit deeper to then get a straighter exit and minimise TC engagement.  During Turn 2 entry make sure to start releasing brakes early or so you donโ€™t get understeer from overloading the front tires. Turn 3 requires a quick small brake input to slow the car down and give the front tires enough grip. Next tricky corner is the Corkscrew. Itโ€™s good to approach the corner from the left to then get a straight braking line over the kerb and be able to stay on the right for a wide entry. Coming down the corkscrew you can cut a lot of the inside green surface and the car will remain stable (especially with race safe setup). Next for the downhill left hander with quali fuel the Ferrari has enough rotation to go through with just coasting and no braking. In the last turn itโ€™s important to straighten the car soon to again minimise the TC engagement. 

Laguna Seca – V2

  • The front range has been increased with more bumpstop stiffness which allows more aggressive entry with saturating the tyres too much. The lower preload also helps to rotate the car better through the narrow corners of the track.
  • The rear spring has been softened with the bumpstop rate being stiffened to help with pitch control. The idea is to increase mechanical grip through the corners while still maintaining the pitch rate of the car in and out of corners.
  • The damper and bumpstop rates from the first version are in a decent window but with the mechanical changes that have been made, some adjustments have been done to the dampers to accommodate the extra pitch and compliance.


  • The safe setup has been adjusted to be very forgiving downhill on the right hander. However if you require an even safer alternative consider pushing the rear toe in the positive direction by a few clicks. Also stiffening the front bumpstop rate by 1 click should help with entry stability. The preload is quite sensitive so it would be advisable to not increase the value by too many clicks as this will have a negative impact on general rotation through the bumpier sections of the lap. 
  • The damper approach here is a lot more aggressive compared to the values used at Barcelona. These changes have been mainly done to the fast dampers since the low speed dampers are quite sensitive to change, particularly in high speed entries. With the current suspension configuration used, too many pitch related changes can easily destabilise the car.  The front damper histograms are well balanced and the brake/tyre temperature balance help in minimising graining on the front tyres.
  • The rear tyres are slightly less prone to graning. It still has potential to lose grip over time, but the rebound bias has primarily been implemented to keep the car planted into downhill braking zones.
  • The pressures need to be quite slightly higher than other tracks in order to help support the car through the higher speed corners and bumps. 

Kyalami – V2

  • The major focus has been in working on the entry rotation and also improving rear end stability mid to exit. 
  • The front dampers have been softened to improve front end compliance. The front bumpstop rates and ranges however have been changed to limited front travel aggression in order to control the pitch rate. What this does is make the car pitch quickly into the corner but also limit travel giving the feeling or both rotation and front end response/stability. This does however make the car feel more aggressive which requires more steady steering control, otherwise the front tyres will scrub too quickly and oversaturate before hitting the apex. 
  • The rear end of the car has been softened with a stiffer rear damper configuration for bumps. This helps in kerb stability and also gives better aero compliance through the high speed corners. The high speed corners are more stable now by can understeer if pushed too early as mentioned in the previous point. The low preload is also a factor that affects this, so if you want more late corner rotation through high speed at the cost of entry rotation, consider increasing the preload a bit. Also increase the front range a few clicks. These two changes will help open the entry window a bit more without having to be too careful with the steering inputs.


  • Hungaroring has multiple corners where the front tyres are heavily saturated and the car tends to roll a lot. The ARB setup needs to be soft however in order to complement the mechanical requirements of slow speed sections and off cambered corners. To support the car under roll in high speed corners, the tyre pressures are once again set slightly higher than other tracks, similar to the approach used in Kyalami. 
  • Lower the TC to 6 for turn 1. At the chicane of the second sector cut the entrance on the right as much as possible, you can hit both bollards, the car will absorb those impacts without too much trouble.

Hungaroring – V2

  • Changes compared to RF01:
  • Stiffer front springs used to aid precision due to the narrow twisty nature of the track.
  • Wheel alignment adjusted for more predictable rear performance.
  • Rake and brake ducts adjusted slightly to optimise braking and mid corner.
  • Safe setup uses a softer rear spring, less rake and less preload.
  • Quali setup uses safe setup as base due to its better traction with more rake and some other small changes to improve 1 lap feel.


  • The wing has been set very low after testing multiple wing angles to find ideal compromises between straight line speed and cornering grip.
  • The suspension itself is kept very soft with maximised bumpstop actuation to ensure enough mechanical grip without allowing the car to collide with the ground. 
  • The dampers use the Silverstone fast setup as a starting point due to the similarly flat nature of most of the track. The rear dampers and front fast dampers have been adjusted to suit Ascari kerbs and also give enough traction out of the slower corners, given the wing angle is so low. 
  • Decrease the TC to 5/6 for turn 1, at Ascari, the entry is very important or you will compromise the whole turn. You have to brush past the bollards at the entry with 20/30% gas so as to absorb them better; you can brush past the bollards both on the right and on the left exit without too much trouble either.

Monza – V2

  • Raised the front and rear height to be able to pass better over the Ascari bumps.
  • Positive toe in race setup for better traction and stability.
  • Go down to TC 4 for turn 1 to maximize the laptime, if on the rest of the track you are struggling with the tractions you can use TC 6.
  • At Ascari, the entry is very important or you will compromise the whole turn. You have to brush past the bollards at the entry with 20/30% gas so as to absorb them better; you can brush past the bollards both on the right and on the left exit without too much trouble either.


  • The dampers for Imola are quite unique and this combination is expected for the bumpy nature of the circuit. 
  • The mechanical grip approach is similar to other tracks such as Hungaroring and Zolder with the range being run low and a soft spring setup being used to maximise bumpstop actuation. 
  • The ride height has been raised on the front and rear to compliment these changes thereby giving a car with optimal rotation through the first and second sectors and kerb stability through the final sector.
  • The preload has been set quite high compared to other tracks to help in braking a lot later through the second sector and for additional stability into Acque Minerali.

Imola – V2

  • Changes vs RF01
  • Slightly lower ride height as the car has been made much more compliant over kerbs.
  • Stiffer springs and bumpstop rates used to prevent bottoming out on kerbs giving much improved behaviour over RF01 setup.
  • Softer roll bars and lower preload used to aid rotation and also give each corner of the car more independence when attacking kerbs.
  • Caster increased to aid dynamic camber.
  • Dampers were re-tuned to improve entry, exit and kerb compliance.
  • Safe setup uses softer rear spring and longer bumpstops to aid low speed traction along with slight damper changes along the same goals.

Mount Panorama

  • Running a lower TC value at 6 for turn 4 and TC 7/8 for the last corner will help with general traction around the track.
  • The wing levels are not run particularly low compared to the older variants in 1.8. The car is quite sensitive to general downforce and hence maximising the rear end grip along with braking stability has been the priority. 
  • Any deviations in damper and bumpstop configurations with respect to the other higher downforce variants have been done to suit the updated downforce level being used at Bathurst. 

Mount Panorama – V2

  • The car had bottoming problems, so we raised the front wing and stiffened the front bar to also increase stability and responsiveness on the downhill. This also allowed us to use soft springs to increase mechanical grip and slightly increase the top speed.
  • Positive rear toe-in to increase traction and make car control easier during the race. While for qualifying we opted for more negative toe-in to increase the rotation of the car.
  • Use TC 5 in T4 to maximise the laptime.
  • If you feel the car is too aggressive when you release the throttle, increase the differential preload.


  • The car is extremely sensitive to preload changes so itโ€™s better not to change this value too much from the currently saved race fast setup. 
  • If you require more entry stability either increase the front bump damping or reduce the front bumpstop range. In cases where the entry instability is severe, also increase the front wheel rate.
  • The brake bias is run quite low to aid braking deep into hairpins. It can however cause some instability in longer braking zones. To tackle it, try to make your braking lines as straight as possible, make sure your wheel is straight when you start pushing the brake. Snetterton consists of mainly โ€œ90โ€ degree corners and โ€œslow in fast outโ€ seems to work best for them. Try to get wide and late entries and prioritise strong exits. 

Snetterton – V2

  • The RF01 setup had a very safe corner entry so there are multiple changes to make the car more agile. 
  • The preload has been lowered to allow better rotation during coasting
  • Rear arb is stiffer to provide rotation at high speed in T1 and the second last corner
  • Front arb has been stiffened to limit roll as it was causing oversteer on exit of Bomb Hole
  • Front springs have been softened for more grip on the front axle, especially at lower speed
  • Fast damping is overall stiffer to aid handling over kerbs
  • The front of the car is raised to limit collisions with the kerbs, rear has been raised slightly more to increase overall rotation. 
  • TC is lowered as it was cutting too much power on exits out of hairpins. ABS is lower to provide more consistent and controllable braking.

Oulton Park

  • With Oulton Park being a very bumpy track, more emphasis on bumpstop usage has been highlighted to ensure the car does not bottom out. 
  • The fast dampers have also been slightly adjusted to suit the more frequent bumpstop usage. 
  • Another thing you can note in this setup is the use of more stiff suspension, for the same reasons above. 
  • On the flipside the low speed dampers and bumpstop rates have been adjusted to improve mechanical grip in and out of corners, since the rest of the suspension has been stiffened up.

Oulton Park – V2

  • The new setup at Oulton Park uses the Laguna V2 setup as a baseline. Major modifications have been made to the dampers to improve kerb stability.
  • Off throttle rotation and roll compliance are very important on this track due to the bumpy and narrow nature of many of the corners. This has been fixed by running a soft ARB combination and also using quite low preload.
  • Bumpstop rates are slightly softer than those used at Laguna to improve compliance during kerb impacts.

Watkins Glen

  • The preload and suspension has been optimised to improve general entry rotation into the narrower corners in the circuit whilst still maintaining enough stability through the downhill corners in the second sector. 
  • The Ferrari is very stable over kerbs so going very aggressively through the Bus Stop chicane is very important to extract lap time. You can approach the first car pretty much head-on and cut it a lot. This will give you a more shallow/quicker line through Bus Stop and the car will remain settled. For the next right corner keep your car in the middle of the track on entry and use a bit of brake input to tighten the line and get the apex. In the last sector Ferrari provides really good grip so you can be quite aggressive with the throttle pedal on exits. 

Watkins Glen V2

  • Changes vs RF01:
  • Less aggressive roll bars and springs to give more rear end traction.
  • Shorter front, and longer rear bumpstops for kerb stability, dampers also tuned to assist.
  • More rake and less wing used to vastly improve high speed cornering balance, along with less preload to aid rotation.
  • Minor alignment changes.
  • Safe Setup uses less rake, less aggressive spring rates, and more preload along with minor bumpstop and alignment changes to increase stability especially on corner entry.
  • Both setup can produce the same lap time, so choose based on which suits your driving style.


  • Watch out for heavy braking zones such as turn 1, aim for the apex immediately, then brake hard but without turning the steering wheel or you will immediately lock the rear. 
  • This approach has specifically been tuned for the fast setup. In the safer variant the car is more forgiving in this regard but still requires careful brake application nonetheless. 
  • COTA is a track where getting the perfect brake bias compromise is tricky due to the varying natures of the different braking zones along with rapid tyre temperature variations. 
  • Consider moving the brakes slightly more forwards for the first corner if the rear continues to lock. For the end of the back straight, the saved brake configuration is recommended. 
  • At the penultimate bend brake early and do a lot of trail braking


  • Maximum wing to increase the stability in the esses section and high rake to increase the rotation.
  • Stiff ARBs to increase the reactivity of the car in the esses.
  • Decrease the TC in all the hairpins to maximise the laptime.
  • If you feel the car is too slippery in the fast corners, stiffen the wheel-rate.


  • For Indy the ARBโ€™s have been set quite soft and the requirement for high speed direction changes is not as intense on other tracks. However it still is aero dependent in that it needs a decent level of control for some of the medium speed corners. 
  • To get to speed into the corner optimal without losing the rear end, the front springs have been stiffened quite a bit and the rear springs have been softened. This regains the initial response lost from running soft ARBs. The overall mechanical grip has been kept optimal by still keeping the car soft in general. The rear ride height has also been raised to improve overall rotation throughout the circuit.
  • A higher preload also helps in further improving braking stability and on throttle apex rotation in the final sector.

Indianapolis V2

  • Roll bars have been stiffened to improve response.
  • Soft wheel rates are used for maximum mechanical grip.
  • More aggressive aero is needed for high speed rotation .
  • Toes and camber have been adjusted to be more aggressive .
  • Overall a complete rework to make the car more aggressive and able to extract the pace while being easy to drive.


  • Driving on Valencia you often need to enter a corner with your outside wheels on a kerb. This decreases the grip of the rear tire and can cause oversteer on entry should you turn in too aggressively. Make sure that your initial inputs with steering wheel and brake release are smooth.
  • On the exit of Turn 12 there is a big hit while driving over the kerb but with increased front ride height it is very easy to go over it and gain lap time. However, do not go over the sausage kerb on the inside of this corner. 
  • Thanks to the increased stiffness of the front rebound it is easier to smoothly turn into corners without the need to trail brake extremely deep. You can release the brake and the car will still carry on rotating very well. 
  • Valencia runs quite a soft front ARB in order to improve compliance over the elevated sections of the track. With multiple apexโ€™s being on sharp cambered sections, it is important to maximise suspension adaptability over the track surface. 
  • To suit the generally softer suspension, the dampers are also run relatively soft, to avoid the vehicle from being overdamped. 
  • This in accordance with extra bumpstop range at this track, certainly makes the car appear much softer in comparison to other high downforce tracks, however due to the slightly slower nature of the circuit, the response time for most corners is not as demanding as on other tracks. Hence the softer suspension does not have a big impact on agility. 

Valencia V2

  • Changes vs RF01:
  • Stiffer roll bars used to control body roll in corners to minimise the “floppiness” of the car and feel through the steering.
  • Caster increased for more dynamic camber.
  • Bumpstops adjusted (shorter front, longer rear) to increase entry and exit stability.
  • Dampers adjusted to give more stability on kerbs and entry, but more rotation on exit.
  • Slightly higher preload to aid stability.
  • More aggressive rake for mid-corner rotation.
  • Safe Setup uses stiffer front springs and shorter bumpstops to increase entry stability.

Team List

Track Driver/Engineer Combination
BarcelonaHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
HungaroringAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
ImolaAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
KyalamiAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
Laguna SecaHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
MisanoAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
MonzaAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
Mount PanoramaAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
NurburgringAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
Paul RicardHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
Spa FrancorchampsAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
SuzukaAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
ZandvoortAmadeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
ZolderHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
Brands HatchHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
DoningtonHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
Oulton ParkHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
SnettertonHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
SilverstoneAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
Watkins GlenHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
IndianapolisHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh
COTAAmedeo CastorinoSaiduth Ramesh
ValenciaHubert SzymanskiSaiduth Ramesh

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