What’s happened?
Yesterday the cat was let out of the bag from Kunos as the first of three new cars, the Ferrari 296 GT3 were teased as part of the trailer for the new V1.9 update. With that trailer also came the release date of the V1.9 patch release, the 19th April, in other words just over a month’s time.
The update trailer can be seen below:
How does this affect Coach Dave?
This update will impact our schedule for CDA3 update work. After discussions with our team, we made the decision to stop updating existing V1.8 setups, with the intention to prepare ourselves as best as possible for the new V1.9 which will be released in just 4 weeks time.
What to expect as a customer
- If you are a bundle owner of CDA3 setups you will need to purchase the new CDA4 setups as we will be starting from scratch.
- If you are an ACC setup subscriber, you will gain access to the new setups at no extra cost.
- We are working on a huuuge update for Delta, that is going to make installing setups even easier, which will tie into the release of V1.9 – stay tuned.
If we made any brand new CDA3 setups today, they would literally need to be replaced in 4 weeks time, so it makes no sense to continue down that path. Instead we are focusing on growing our setup team in order to launch as many cars in as short a time-frame as possible. We want to make sure that when the new version is released, our team will be ready for action.
So Now What?
The Coach Dave team will now prepare as best they can for the patch, we aim to continue to grow the team in preparation of the new patch in order to deliver content in a matter of days when the new V1.9 game version launches.
Based on the information we have, this update is going to be game changing, and so our reaction from launch day onwards has to be exceptional, in order to deliver top quality products to you.
With that comes the ceasing of all CDA3 work, in order for us to focus on the important period now before the update. It is a tough decision for us, but a decision we feel is best for us, both as a company, but also for our customers that won’t be having to invest in a product that will be out of date in a matter of days.
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to get in touch through the Coach Dave Discord. I will be on hand to answer any questions: