
How To Install And Use Coach Dave Delta

Learn how to download, install and activate the Coach Dave Delta setup application for ACC and iRacing.

👉 You must be a subscriber to use Delta

Coach Dave Delta is an application that now goes way beyond setups and this guide shows you how to install and then get the best use out of Delta 2.0 and all its features.

To use the app, please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Purchase Delta

To download and install Delta, you need to be a Coach Dave Delta subscriber. To become a subscriber, please follow the link below:

Purchase Coach Dave Delta

Step 2: Download The App

Now you are subscribed, your first job is to go to your main account area on the website, which can be achieved by clicking on this URL. Once there, you will be greeted with the above 3 columns on the homepage at the top. Please download the Delta app using the “download” button in the first column on the left.

Step 3: Install The App

Once downloaded you will see a zipped folder, you need to unzip that. In it, you will see a .exe file appear. Run the .exe file on your PC, installing it to the destination of your choice.

Please note that you should ‘white-list’ Delta from your Virus Scanner to avoid any issues with setups being added to your game folders.

Step 4: Connect Your Accounts

If you are a brand new user to Delta you must click ‘Get Started’ where you will be greeted with a screen to connect your Discord, Coach Dave Academy and SimGrid accounts all at once. 

Register with Discord

After installing Delta 2.0 the first step is (re)connecting Discord and Delta together. This will allow you to log into Delta 2.0 and access all the new features it has to offer. 

Link your Coach Dave Account

After registering with your Discord you will be directed back to the home screen on Delta with a button to link your Coach Dave Account.

Connect your iRacing And ACC Install Folders

The next step is to then connect the destination folders that Delta needs to know, to install setup, telemetry and replay files onto your PC. You will be greeted with this screen to do this:

It is important to note that for both simulators, Delta needs to have the main user folders connected, not the Steam install folders. These are normally found with a default installation in your User\Documents folder. 

If your Coach Dave Academy account has been linked correctly, it will show on your profile page like so at the very top. 

Connect your SimGrid Account

Next, you need to connect your SimGrid Pro account. This one-click action immediately syncs Pro features from your Delta account such as leaderboard data, upcoming races you are entered in on SimGrid, your grid rating, and more. To see the individual benefits of SimGrid Pro, click here.

You can also connect your SimGrid account from within your main profile:

Good To Know – Finding Your Profile Area 

To go into your profile area, all you need to do is click on the drop-down arrow next to your Discord profile photo on any page like so. This will give you the menu where the option “settings” is listed.

Good To Know – Changing Install Directories 

You can also change the install directories of the two simulators on Delta from within your profile screen, as you can see from the bottom of the below screenshot. This is important if you have made a mistake by linking the wrong folder initially or you reinstall/adjust your current installation of the sim you are using. 

For ACC install:

Click ‘Select directory’ in Delta which will take you to your PC’s drive, click on your documents folder, find your ‘Assetto Corsa Competizione’ Folder and hit save. This will now connect the Delta setups installer to your ACC setups folder and every time you join a session with the car and track of your choice, your Coach Dave Academy setups will appear.

For iRacing install:

It’s the same process as with ACC. So click ‘Open iRacing Directory’ in Delta, which will take you to your PC’s drive, click on your documents folder, find your ‘iRacing’ Folder and hit save. This will now connect the Delta setups installer to your iRacing setups folder and every time you join a session with the car and track of your choice, your Coach Dave Academy setups will appear.

STEP 6: Select Your Sim

Now everything is connected, you are ready to hit the race track, on your home page you are presented with both the ACC and iRacing tiles to select from and see your upcoming races on SimGrid because you connected your SimGrid account to Delta. Ensure you click on one of these sim tiles before entering an in-game server.  


We have also added our iRacing season catalogue for you to view from the right-hand side of the app, so you can see which cars and series you can drive for the 12 weeks of the current iRacing season. This is to replace the old database UI that has been replaced with the Delta 2.0 update.

Step 7: Join A Session 

Here you select ACC or iRacing and are then greeted with a ‘waiting for a session’ screen. As soon as you have joined a session with your choice of car and track combination on ACC and iRacing, your Coach Dave Academy setups are automatically installed for you. In both ACC and iRacing these can be selected from you in the game setup menu. 

Step 8: Success And App Navigation 

Once you join a server, you will then be greeted with the new Delta “Record” page, from here you can see all the information surrounding your active stints, session information, installed setups and your leaderboards. If successful it will look like this:

In Delta 2.0 you have your sidebar nav menu on the left-hand side with some new icons you may not be familiar with. 

Just as before you have your home, ACC and your iRacing icons, but now you will see a few new icons to navigate through as well. 

  1. The first icon you see is the session history icon, this is where you navigate to see every session that gets saved for you, so you can go back and analyse all of your delta sessions (feature coming soon). 
  2. Next, you will see the lecture hat icon, which takes you directly to the brand new Never Lift course, the new ultimate sim racing coaching course curated by Coach Dave Academy that you get at no extra cost just for having Delta.
  3. Finally, you will see a question icon near the bottom of Delta, this navigates you to your Delta 2.0 help page where you can find self-help guides, setup help and discord support. You even get access to one-on-one engineering sessions.

If you wish to find out information regarding the new interface and what each widget means, then make sure to check out the new Delta 2.0 FAQ right here

See Delta In Action 

If you want to see Delta in action, then our Founder, Coach Dave himself has produced a walkthrough of Coach Dave Delta in action right here on our YouTube channel, check out the video below to see how the brand-new features work:

Still Having Trouble?

If you’re ever stuck or have any questions, please join our Discord Community, where our team will help you find your way. 

If you buy something from a Coach Dave link, we may earn a commission.

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Do you know why your friends are faster?

Remove the mystery with Delta 3.0. The sim racing companion app that is your data, setup, lap time, and race engineer.

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Do you know why your friends are faster than you?

Remove the mystery and unlock lap time with Delta 3.5. The sim racing companion app that is your data, setup, lap time, and race engineer.

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How To Install And Use Coach Dave Delta