
How to fix your Setup Subscription

If you are experiencing problems with your downloads or subscriptions, please follow this user guide in order to try fix them.

During the week of Christmas and New Years (2021) we started to experience some performance issues on the website which was affecting Coach Dave Setup Subscribers – mostly ACC subscribers.

The reason for this was that the way that renewals are handled by the WooCommerce technology is not suited to the way amount of products we include in setup subscriptions (550+ setup products). As a result, when a renewal was attempted the website was timing out and locking you out of your account and setups.

Once we diagnosed the problem we informed our website hosts and WooCommerce. However in both instances they pointed fingers at each other for the problem and for 1.5 weeks we got nowhere.

In the end we came to a solution by building our own plugin that handles how your browse and download the setups made available to your subscription.

I sincerely apologise to everyone who experience website timeouts. I apologise to everyone who was unable to download a setup for your next event. This one is on me and I will make sure it never happens again.

You may experience the following issues when logging in:

  1. You have an active Subscription but cannot find your setups
  2. Subscriptions are ‘On Hold
  3. Subscriptions are ‘Cancelled‘ or ‘Pending Cancellation
  4. You’re unable to renew your subscription with PayPal

All of these issues are fixable if you follow these instructions:

You have an active Subscription but cannot find your setups

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click Subscription Downloads
  3. You will now find your downloads there

Subscriptions are ‘On Hold’

This is a result of your automatic renewal timing out due to the bugs mentioned earlier. You simply need to manually renew this order and then all future orders will be automatic again.

  1. Login to your Account
  2. Click on Orders
  3. If you see an order that has a ‘Pay’ button click that order
  4. Go through the regular payment process
  5. Click Subscription Downloads

Subscriptions are ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Pending Cancellation’

This is a result of your automatic renewal timing out due to the bugs mentioned earlier. Once it timed out the subscription got marked as ‘unpaid’ and moved to a pending cancellation status.

To fix this you need to ‘Resubscribe’ via this process:

  1. Login to your Account
  2. Click Subscriptions
  3. Click Resubscribe
  4. Go through the payment process
  5. Click Subscription Downloads

You’re unable to renew your subscription with PayPal

This seems to happen with PayPal’s subscription flow. I have not been able to understand the reason for the bug but the fix is relatively simply.

When paying with PayPal: If you get an error during checkout that says “Something went wrong. Please try again with another payment source.”

Simply click the arrow on the PayPal button and click ‘other source’ from the options. This will take you to PayPal to complete your order.

Still Stuck? Contact us on Discord

If you are still stuck and require assistance, please contact us via Discord so we can guide you through the process:


If you buy something from a Coach Dave link, we may earn a commission.

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How to fix your Setup Subscription
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