Coach Dave Delta
January 16, 2025

How To Analyse Old Sessions

So you have collected and can see your session history stockpiling on Delta, and now you want to start analysing this data from old sessions for you to improve. This guide shows you how to do just that.

Step 1: Access Your Session History

Open Coach Dave Delta and log in with your account. From the main dashboard, locate the Session History tab on the lower left side. Revealing your session history to view.

Step 2: Open and Review A Session

Click on the session you wish to view to load its data. Delta will display the completed session and its metrics available such as lap times, sector splits, and driving inputs, thanks to its three main options of Timing, Driving and Data.

Step 3: Analyse The Old Session

You have three options when analysing the old session data; The Timing screens, Driving screens and Data screens, we explain all three.

Timing Screens

The timing screen is the most simple of the three, it allows you to see the session history info, the session summary, your stints, your sectors, and your fastest lap, along with other data that includes your fuel estimator, tyre pressure widget and oversteer/understeer widget.

The Timing screen is useful when you wish to compare entire stints against each other from the same sessions in a simple format, or even compare entries stints at the same track but in different cars.

Driving Screens

The driving screens focus on your track positioning with an extensive track map view for you to follow your laps, showing you an overview of your driving.

This is fantastic for you to see optimal lines, where you should be braking, where you are going to fast, where you need to be faster, if you are using too much or too little steering angle and more. Especially when you can compare against a pro lap to find the time as well.

Data Screens

The Data screen is where all of the juicy telemetry features come into play. This is where you go into granular details of each lap in your stint and you can meticulously study your rights and wrongs thanks to the beautiful UI and graphs used in the app.

You can analyse all of the following from an old session in the Data screen view;

  • Delta
  • Speed
  • Throttle
  • Brake
  • Steering
  • Gearing
  • RPM
  • Fuel Used

Along with checking the understeer/oversteer widgets, tyre pressure and temperature widget and sector time breakdowns. What’s most useful is the small little widget right in the centre of the map interface, that lets you smoothly transition between your fastest lap and the reference lap you can have loaded at the same time. This is crucially where you can find the differences for improvement.

Step 4: Compare Laps

We touched on it during step 3, but in an old session, you can compare laps of your own, from a friend or from one of the pro laps installed on Delta.

To do this in either the driving or the data screens, you simply click on the load reference widget that is located on the left of the app under the session info.

You will then be greeted with the screen above, where you can choose a lap to compare against. this will load directly alongside your lap, and that is how you analyse any of your old sessions.