Coach Dave Delta
January 16, 2025

How To Enter Competitions on Delta

Within the Coach Dave Delta app, you will find various competitions you can enter throughout the year, just as the very first one that was launched until the end of January called the Thrustmaster Delta Challenge.

How you enter these events will vary depending on the competition, and which game it is set on, but for now, the standard procedure to follow is like so;

Step 1: Open the Delta app.

Step 2: In the top right corner of the app you will see the ‘Competition’ you can enter.

Step 3: Clicking ‘Enter Now’ will bring up the requirements you need to complete to enter.

Step 4: Complete the requirements set out for the competition and submit your lap. *Worth noting submitting your lap means you need Delta open recording and saving the data.

Step 5: Check your entry has been successfully submitted via the Leaderboards.

Step 6: You can continue to submit as many entries as you like until you are happy with your times, or that you feel you have extracted the maximum out of your laps.

Alternatively, and something that is very likely to happen, is that Coach Dave himself will create a YouTube video launching all competitions coming to Delta and what you must do to enter such competition, just like this video: